Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mia Update

She had her 2 month checkup today. She has done really well with the shots so far. She screamed when she got them, but stopped crying once I picked her up. She slept on the way home and has been playing since we walked in.

Length - 22.75in (grown 2.75in since birth)
Weight - 11lbs 7oz (gained 4.6lbs since birth)

This puts her in the 75th percentile for both.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

2 Months Old

She's 2 months old, it's hard to believe. She's completed a full week at the CDC and doing great. She loves that there is always someone around even if its just another kid. She's still rolling over. Her sleep schedule is finally bearable, she goes down at 830 and will wake up at 3 and 6. We've learned it at 8 we give her a bath, and then feed her it gets her relaxed and she easily goes to bed. She's more comfortable just laying in her crib for a little bit too. According to the bathroom scale she weighs a little over 11lbs. That means she's gained about 4lbs in 2 months. She has her 2 month checkup and shots next week.

Zed is doing amazing in this academic phase of pilot training. Out of all the exams they've taken, 4, he's only missed 4 questions. That puts him in the top 10% of his class with a 97% average! It's crazy to think he's already finished halfway finished with Phase I.

Work is going well for me. I've had to learn very quickly and sometimes not always in the most agreeable ways. Mia's first day at the CDC was tough, but I'm a lot better now. I don't think I'll ever be 100% happy not being with her, but it's what we've got to do.

We had a great visit with my dad and then my mom's sister. Its always nice to have family around. we have no scheduled visitors for a while, which is a little nice, but we look forward to whoever comes next. Since things are slowing down I'll only be posting updates every few weeks. I'll be sure to keep the pictures coming though.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Well, this is our last week with family. Mia will start day care in a week. We had an amazing visit with Stacy and Elaine, Zed's parents. It was nice to be able to go back to work and know Mia was with family. My dad is here this week helping out before he heads to Iraq and we're glad to have him.

Zed did really well last week. He got a 97% on his first written test and a 92% on his second. His schedule for this week is below. Today he did parachute training and pictures are below.

My first week back wasn't so bad. I was exhausted by Friday, but it went well. This week I'll continue to shadow so I can learn what it is my people do day to day.

Mia is doing awesome. She's growing so fast. This weekend she rolled from her belly to her back. Zed would lay on the floor in front of her and encourage her and over she would roll. We would put her back on her belly and she'd go over again. She tolerated our enjoyment from her for about ten rolls. She's holding her head up really well too, we barely have to support her neck anymore.